Thursday, September 23, 2010


I really haven't fallen off the face of the earth. PROMISE. I've just been using Sparkpeople, and it seems easier to blog there. Maybe I should just start copying and pasting here too!!!

Things are actually going ok. I admit to taking my 6'ish month sabbatical. I have gained and lost the same 8lbs in 6 months. I guess I'll take that considering it could be a lot more gaining. The good news is that I am back on track. A light came on...and I'm ready to get my life in order and tackle the rest of this weight...for good!!

I'd also like to note that my husband and I have decided to try and work things out. It's been a long 6 months, LONG 6 months. Lots of crying in there. And I am happy that he wants to do this, and he suggested counseling. So, we are doing it. Who knows how it will all turn out... It will either close the door completely, or open a new one for us. Whatever it brings, I will be ready. The divorce has been put on hold to see where this might lead.

So, that's that!!! Sorry I've been MIA for so long! But I'll try to do better and if I blog at Sparkpeople, I'll just copy it here! That's my plan!!!!